Henry Financial Group
On: September 12, 2016 In: Newsletter

Valued HFG Clients

Welcome Spring! We hope the first day of the season finds you well.

I am delighted to share with you that we have recently celebrated my first anniversary as Managing Director of Henry Financial Group. It has been an amazing year. Thank you for being part of our Group.

Client Survey

I have never been more excited about the business and the outlook for our client service. Our clients are our business and we would be really grateful if you would take five minutes to complete the online survey by clicking here Click here for Survey. Our tailored advice approach is what drives me and my team.

We would really appreciate if you would let us know how we are going and/or how we could improve. Your response will be anonymous unless you indicate otherwise.

Save the Date

You™re Invited! Please join us for afternoon drinks and nibbles and an array of speakers on Thursday 3 November 2016. More details to follow.

Staff News

We are having a baby! Min Chen, paraplanner, is expecting a new baby later in the year. Congratulations Min!

Jo Conolly has returned to the HFG team as a paraplanner.


Ed Little, one of Phil™s lads, is supporting the team with client review work.

New Website

We have recently launched our new website, please take a look via the following link: https://www.henryfinancialgroup.com.au/

ATO Scam

Be aware of fraudulent emails from the ATO. For more information please check ATO website and if in doubt, please contact us.

Office Vignette

Our resident artist, Marketing Manager Richard Douglas has produced a beautiful collection of south-east Queensland landscape paintings which appear in our meeting room at our new offices. Please take a look when next you visit.

Market Update

I recently read the following article about the perception of daily stock market fluctuations. I found this image very enticing, especially when considering client perspective. I hope you enjoy the article. Please email or call me if you would like to have a chat about it!

Market Fluctuations

Richards, Carl (2016, June 27). No, Really: Just Ignore Day-to-Day Stock Market Fluctuations. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com 


We hope you and your loved ones are well and hope to see you on 3 November if not before.

Best regards

Sarah and the team