There is a conversation you may need to have with your son or daughter. It™s not about the birds and the bees, but it could be just as confronting.
If you have grandchildren chances are you play an active role in their life. You give emotionally and financially to help their development “ just as you did with your own children. But just think about something for a second. What degree of emotional and financial support would be required of you if something were to happen to your grandchild™s primary care givers?
We pose this question to you because we see our role as helping you identify any issue which may potentially impact your retirement plan. Everyone™s situation is different and if this issue is not a concern for you, we™re pleased. But if it is, we™re here to help.
What you can do
How we can help
Important information: Any information in this article is general in nature and does not take into consideration the reader™s personal circumstances. To avoid making a decision not appropriate to you, the content should not be relied upon as a substitute for receiving financial advice suitable for your circumstances.